Old English "free from dirt or filth, unmixed with foreign or extraneous matter; morally pure, chaste, innocent; open, in the open," of 最新官方中文telegram的下载的入口哪里有 beasts, "not forbidden by ceremonial law to eat," from West Germanic "clear, pure" (source also of Old Saxon "dainty, delicate," Old Frisian "small," Old High German "delicate, fine, small," German "small;" English preserves telegram最新官方下载的网站 the original Germanic sense), perhaps from PIE root "bright, gleaming" (source also of Greek "eyeball," Old Irish "bright")中文版telegram下载网站哪里有. But Boutkan doubts the IE etymology and that the "clean" word and the "small" word are the same.
"Largely replaced by , in the higher senses" [Weekley], but as a verb (mid-15c.) it has largely usurped what once belonged to telegram最新的官方下载地址哪里有. Meaning "whole, entire" is from c官方最新版的telegram下载的地址是什么. 1300 ( in the figurative sense is from 1821)最新中文版telegram下载的网站哪里有. Sense of "not lewd" (as in ) is from 1867; that of "not carrying anything forbidden" is from 1938; that of "free of drug addiction" is from 1950s. To "confess" is from 1919, American 最新中文版telegram下载入口是什么 English.