

  DeepL Translator是于2017年8月由DeepL GmbH(一家由Linguee支持的创业公司)推出的翻译服务,支持汉语、英语、德语、法语、日语、西班牙语、意大利语、荷兰语及波兰语之间的翻译,其利用神经网络训练翻译能力(采用 CNN。DeepL 宣称其技术积累使得它能够克服 CNN 的主要短板,因而能实现比基于 RNN 的竞品算法更精确、自然的翻译结果)。

  We can’t do without translation software. Today, I would like to recommend a software that has become popular in recent years — DeepL

  DeepL Translator is a translation service launched in August 2017 by DeepL GmbH, a startup backed by Linguee. It supports translation between Chinese, English, German, French, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Polish. It uses neural networks to train translation skills (using CNN). DeepL claims that its technical accumulation has enabled it to overcome CNN’s main shortcomings and thus achieve more accurate and natural telegram官方的最新版在哪呢 translation results than rival RNN-based algorithms.

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   Document Translation


  在 Google Translate、DeepL 和百度翻译的网页端,都可以上传文档进行翻译。有道翻译没有在网页提供文档上传翻译功能,但是其移动端 app 有这个功能。

  .doc、.docx、.odf、.pdf、.ppt、.pptx、.ps、.rtf、.txt、.xls 或 .xlsx;DeepL 则支持 docx 和 pptx 两种文件格式的翻译;有道翻译则支持在手机上上传 docx 或者 pdf 格式的文档。百度翻译则可以上传包括 Word、PowerPoint、Excel 乃至图片文件。

  翻译后,Google Translate 会以网页的形式返回翻译结果;但是 DeepL 则会提供翻译好的文件下载,如果是免费版 DeepL,翻译后的文字会被锁定、不能编辑。百度翻译会呈现翻译前后的对比,并且可以高亮具体的句子。

  Google Translate, DeepL, and Baidu Translate all allow you to upload documents for translation. Youdao Translation does not provide the function of uploading and translating documents on its web page, but its mobile app does.

  Google Translate supports. Doc,. Docx,. Odf,. PDF,. PPT,. PPTX,. Ps,. RTF,. TXT,. XLS, or. DeepL supports both DOCX and PPTX file formats. Youdao Translation allows you to upload docx or PDF files on your phone. Baidu Translate can upload files including Word, PowerPoint, Excel and even pictures.

  After the translation, Google Translate returns the result as a web page; DeepL, on the other hand, offers a translated file for download, but in the free DeepL version, the translated text is locked and cannot be edited最新官网的telegram的下载网址是多少. Baidu Translate shows before and after comparisons and can highlight specific sentences.

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   Translate long sentence



  In 1957 Robert Lado claimed that individuals tend to transfer the forms and meanings, and the distribution of forms and meanings of their native language and culture to the foreign language and culture – both productively when attempting to speak the language and to act in the culture, and receptively when attempting to grasp and understand the language and the culture as practised by natives.


  DeepL 翻译结果是:


  Google Translate 的结果是:

  1957年,Robert Lado声称,个人倾向于转移形式和含义,以及他们母语和文化的形式和含义分布到外语和文化 – 试图说语言并在文化中行动, 并在试图掌握和理解当地人实践的语言和文化时接受(第2页)。

  如果是进行较长段落的翻译,推荐 DeepL最新官网telegram下载地方是多少。DeepL 翻译的准确性和自然度都较高,界面使用简单,尽管免费版有 5000 字符的限制,但是基本够用。上面举的例子 Google Translate 不仅有漏译的问题,也不够自然。

  如果在工作中偶尔需要对文档或者网页进行翻译,那么 Google 翻译和 DeepL 可能都是比较好的选择。Google 翻译可以在网页上传文档,同时也可以直接进行网页的翻译,并且以高亮的形式显示原文。

  DeepL 尽管没有网页插件,但是翻译质量可能比 Google 翻译要好。

  综合而言, DeepL 在进行各类翻译时能够更好地表达原文意思,但是功能上有所欠缺。

  DeepL is recommended for longer paragraphs. DeepL’s translation is accurate and natural, and the interface is easy to use, although the free version has a limit 最新的官方的telegram的下载网址 of 5,000 characters. Google Translate, in the example above, not only mistralises, it’s also unnatural.

  If you occasionally need to translate documents or web pages at work, both Google Translate and DeepL may be good choices. Google Translate allows you to upload documents to the web and translate them directly, highlighting the original text.

  DeepL may have better translation quality than Google Translate, even though it doesn’t have a web plugin.

  In general, DeepL can better express the original meaning in various kinds of translation, but it lacks in function.

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  DeepL Website:https://www.deepl.com/zh/translator


  That’s all for today’s introduction, if you are interested, you can try it out.


