
  Deepl – Command Line Language Translator Tool for Linux

  Last Updated : 14 Feb, 2021

  Deepl is the best language translator command-line tool that detects the language of input text and translates it into the desired language using advanced machine learning and neural networking algorithms. It is open source and powered by a German tech Company under the MIT license.
  It supports the following languages

  English (EN)

  Italian (IT)

  Spanish (ES)
  Polish (PL)

  French (FR)

  German (DE)

  Dutch (NL)

  It also provides a paid subscription for the interested user and also has a free version (Deepl — CLI Translator Tool). This article will discuss the installation steps of the Deepl — CLI Translator Tool and the use of this Tool with some examples.

  Note: we will see a screenshot of only Ubuntu Linux Machine cause all Linux versions has similarity in installation telegram最新中文版下载的网址 process run all these command same as Ubuntu.

  Installation of Deepl — CLI Translator Step-Wise

  Step 1: Install the latest version of the Node.Js or If you have already installed then check the version of Node.js and it should be > 6.0

  Deepl – Command Line Language Translator Tool for Linux

  Step 2: Install Yarn package dependency manager in Linux Distribution

  For different Linux distribution Run different Following Commands.

  For Ubuntu:

  curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add –

  echo “deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.listtelegram完整版下载的入口是什么

  sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

  yarn –version

  Deepl – Command Line Language Translator Tool for Linux

  For Centos / Fedora / RHEL:最新中文的telegram下载入口在哪里

  curl –silent –location https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo

  curl –silent –location https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo bash –

  yum install yarn [On CentOS/RHEL Linux distribution ]

  dnf install yarn [On Fedora Linux distribution ]

  yarn –version

  For Gentoo Linux:

  sudo emerge –ask sys-apps/yarn

  yarn –version

  Installation of Deepl – CLI Translator Tool:

  Step 3: Now, Install Deepl – CLI Translator Tool

  yarn global add deepl-translator-cli

  Deepl – Command Line Language Translator Tool for Linux

  Step 4: Check Installation

  deepl –version


  https://blog.csdn.net/drivery/article/details/yarn/bin/deepl –version

  Deepl – Command Line Language Translator Tool for Linux官方最新中文版telegram的下载的网站在哪里

  Use of Deepl – CLI Translator Tool:

  To Translate the text:

  deepl translate -t ‘{ Input_string }’

  To detect the language:

  deepl detect '{ Input_string }

  To get a better understanding you can see the following drawing:

  Deepl – Command Line Language Translator Tool for Linux


  Command: deepl translate -t ‘DE’ ‘geeks for geeks is the best site’

  Output : ‘geeks für geeks ist die beste Seite’

  Explanation : Here given above command has three part

  Initial Command Syntax to translate → deepl translate -t

  target language ISO code → ‘DE’ (for german)

  Sentence that you want to translate → ‘geeks for geeks is the best site’

  Command : deepl detect ‘geeks for geeks is the best site’

  Output : English(EN)

  Explanation : Here given above command has only two part

  Initial Command Syntax to translate → deepl detect

  Sentence for that you want telegram最新官网中文下载的地址在哪呢 to detect language → ‘geeks for geeks is the best site’