
  A Copilot chat window with extensions enabled最新的中文版的telegram下载的地址哪里有. The 最新中文telegram的下载地方在哪里 user inputs the @ symbol to reveal a list of five 官方最新版telegram下载的网站哪里有 Copilot Extensions. @Sentry is selected from the list, which shifts the window to a chat directly with that extension中文版的telegram的下载的地方在哪呢. There are three sample prompts at the bottom of the chat window, allowing the user to Get incident information, Edit status on incident, or List the latest issues官方的最新版的telegram的下载的入口. The last one is activated to send the prompt: @Sentry List the latest issuestelegram最新的中文的下载的网址. The extension then lists several new issues and their metadata.